Theme Design and Emotion
Location Snow Mountain Ranch, Fraser, Colorado
Date February 2 - 6, 2005
Paper Presentations
Aesthetics of Reading
Kevin Larson (Microsoft)
Discussant: Robin Jeffries
+ Abstract - Abstract
In this paper we demonstrate a new methodology that can be used to measure aesthetic differences by examining the cognitive effects produced by elevated mood. Specifically in this paper we examine the benefits of good typography and find that good typography induces a good mood. When participants were asked to read text with either good or poor typography in two studies, the participants who received the good typography performed better on relative subjective duration and on certain cognitive tasks.
Cognitive and Cultural Views of Emotions
Rogerio DePaula (University of California Irvine)
Discussant: Bonnie John
+ Abstract - Abstract
Emotions have become part of the HCI discourse. In this paper, we explore the conceptual relationship between cognition and emotions, highlighting two different perspectives, the cognitive and cultural. Our goal is to develop an alternative to the personal, private interpretation of emotion, and understand it as a complex of socially and culturally situated practices. To this end, we draw on empirical material from anthropology and sociology.
Designing Affective Interaction Paradigms for Animated Characters
Bill Tomlinson (University of California, Irvine)
Discussant: John Zimmerman
+ Abstract - Abstract
This paper describes several interaction paradigms designed to enable people to interact in social and emotional ways with autonomous animated characters. By exploring a domain that lends itself to affective interactions, this paper may offer some ideas for enhancing emotional engagement in other kinds of products as well.
Distributed Minds | Negotiated Spaces: Framework for Designing Tangible Social Interfaces for Mediating Public Dialogues
Pamela Jennings (Carnegie Mellon University)
Discussant: Gary Olson
+ Abstract - Abstract
Distributed Minds | Negotiated Spaces is a developing framework for the design of tangible social interfaces. The tangible social interface functions as an agent for communication between people who occupy a common public space who would not typically engage in conversation with each other. The Constructed Narratives project is an experimental project-based inquiry that explores the implications of building a tangible social interface that supports shared intersubjective experience through the act of collaborative play with a physical interface that can reflect back to its participants an interpretation of their shared play based upon similarities and differences recorded in their builder's profile persona sketch completed prior to play and construction choices made in their co-built physical construction. This category of collaborative applications, computer supported collaborative play (CSCP,) is based on philosophies and critical theories that have been identified as foundations of embodied interaction. (Dourish, 2001) Tangible Social Interfaces are a form of community-based interactive systems (CIS,) digital appliances with software agent capabilities that can support people in performing their social activities, promote communication and enhance the potential for learning in a community-based environment. Such capabilities allow the device to act intelligently in support of one or more users, further facilitating the interoperability between devices through a network. Key to this concept is that technology is not an end in itself. Technology is a way of serving, empowering and assisting people in their role as a member of a local community. Technologies that support a CIS approach are multi-disciplinary in nature including human-computer interaction, information management using multi-agent systems, and distributive network computing. (Stathis, 1999)
Emotions in Sensemaking
Ed Chi (PARC)
+ Abstract - Abstract
The process of making sense of information is full of pain points. These pain points generate frustration, anger, as well as depression. This paper attempts to categorize all of the pain points in the sensemaking cycle, and attempts to offer some suggestions of how to keep our searches calm through re-designs of the tools used in sensemaking.
Incorporating Facial EMG Emotion Measures as Feedback in the Software Design Process
Joey Benedek (Microsoft Corporation)
Discussant: Robin Jeffries
+ Abstract - Abstract
Facial electromyography (EMG) has been used in marketing research to measure emotional reaction to brand and advertising. This paper reports on two studies that bring EMG to HCI. We demonstrate the usefulness of measuring involuntary emotional reaction at key product purchase evaluative stages: first-impression (aesthetic) and during use (interaction).
Kinetic Typography
Scott Hudson (Carnegie Mellon University)
Discussant: Gregory Abowd
+ Abstract - Abstract
Because language is a fundamental human capability, one of the central ways that communication has occurred, both today and over the last few centuries, is through text. Not surprisingly, typography is now a mature discipline within communication design, and use of sound typographic principles can now substantially improve communications effectiveness. However, over the last few decades, society has witnessed a staggering increase in available computing power, and this technology has opened significant new possibilities for typographic forms appearing on digital displays. In particular, it is now possible to extend traditional static forms of textual display with the use of time and motion ' to manipulate the position, size, color, shape, and other properties of text displays over time. This new kinetic typography offers a number of potential advantages, including an increased ability to convey emotional content and to direct attention, as well providing the potential for increased reading performance in some circumstances. As an illustration of collaboration between HCI researchers trained in Design and Computer Science, this paper and the accompanying HCIC talk will describe the origins of kinetic typography and the ways it may extend our expressive abilities. It will describe kinetic typography concepts distilled from a number of years of design studies, and briefly consider how new tools may help make kinetic typography more accessible and widely applicable.
Mapping Energy in Organizations
David Millen (IBM Research)
Discussant: Judy Olson
+ Abstract - Abstract
In this paper, we investigate energy patterns within a large organization from a social network perspective. Survey results show that energy level is positively correlated with both frequency of information sharing and desired future communication. We discuss how this methodology provides insights for both organizational and interaction design.
Mental Imagery in Language, Gesture, and Computable Features
Francis Quek (Virginia Tech)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Human gesture and speech cohere at the level of the idea units from which both are simultaneously produced. If gestures spring from mental imagery, then gestural features indicative of this imagery may cohere with units of language production. This paper presents several computable features from video that reveal this imagery.
Meta-Design, Social Creativity, and Engagement
Gerhard Fischer (University of Colorado, Boulder)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Affective phenomena play a fundamental role not only in an individual's cognitive processes, but also in an individual's interaction with others. In this paper, we expand the notion of usability in the light of our conceptual framework on meta-design and social creativity. Within this framework, we propose concepts, process models, and support mechanisms aimed at linking cognition, motivation, and emotion, and supporting users' engagement in the construction and sharing of meaningful activities.
Pragmatics of Emotional Computing: Emotion in Mediated Communication
Deborah Tatar (Virginia Tech)
Discussant: Judy Olson
+ Abstract - Abstract
Couples argue face-to-face, using phones, or using IM. Our hypotheses are based in psycholinguistics, social and personality psychology, and concern detecting effects of emotion on the interaction and outcomes. First level outcomes include detailed interaction analysis, relationship and personal effects. Second level outcomes include designs and design recommendations.
Science Of Design: Why We Need It And Why It Is So Difficult To Achieve
Mike Atwood (Drexel University)
Discussant: George Furnas
+ Abstract - Abstract
We, as a profession that holds design skill in high esteem, cannot achieve a theory of design because we, as designers, do not have a common view of what design is. In this paper, we survey these views and propose how they might be reconciled.
The Combadge/Dilithium Project
James Frankel (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)
+ Abstract - Abstract
The computer and communication revolutions have had a profound impact on the ways in which we all lead our lives. However, this impact has not reached much of the world's population. The Combadge/Dilithium project is an attempt to create a device and service that brings technology to the developing world. We have designed a system that allows even illiterate people to exchange messages using affordable devices communicating over less expensive heterogeneous networks.
Themes of Enjoyment and Hedonic Psychology Applied to the Design of Computer Technology Experiences
Hugh McLoone (Microsoft)
Discussant: Scott Klemmer
+ Abstract - Abstract
New computer technology experiences will be created from research into the themes of enjoyment and hedonic psychology. The computer experiences can "flow" or be orchestrated from start to finish. Case studies applying the enjoyable attributes of biophilia, cross-cultural differences towards aesthetics of beauty, and attributes of touchable objects are applied to design of computer products.
Three Faces of Human-Computer Interaction
Jonathan Grudin (Microsoft Research)
+ Abstract - Abstract
HCI has not coalesced as a field; many researchers who identify their focus as HCI reside in other fields. This paper examines origins and evolution of three HCI research foci: computer operation, information systems management, and discretionary use. Attention to the role of design has grown steadily in the latter.
Three Faces of Human-Computer Interaction
Matthew Bietz (University of Michigan)
Discussant: Clayton Lewis; Shelley Evenson
+ Abstract - Abstract
Human-computer interaction is considered a core element of computer science. Yet it has not coalesced; many researchers who identify their focus as human-computer interaction reside in other fields. This paper examines the origins and evolution of three human-computer interaction research foci: computer operation, information systems management, and discretionary use. Three attempts to find common ground are described, along with forces that have thus far kept them apart.
Boaster Presentations
Voting and Political Information Gathering On Paper and Online
Scott Robertson (Drexel University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Participants browsed real political information either online or on paper and marked ballots either while browsing or in a separate step. Voters preferred electronic browsing, understood the issues best when they voted during browsing, and felt most confident about their decisions when they studied electronic campaign materials alongside a ballot.
Driver Safety and Information from Afar: An Experimental Study of Wireless vs. In-car Information Services
Leila Takayama (Stanford University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Using a driving simulator in a fractional factorial, within-participant experimental design of perceived computer proximity (in-car vs. wireless) x computer voice gender, we found people drove more safely and felt more positively toward the computer and car with the proximate, in-car computer, but disclosed more to the distant, wireless computer.
Contextual Awareness for Synchronous Collaboration in Small Distributed Learning Groups
Friederike Joedick (Fraunhofer IPSI)
+ Abstract - Abstract
In collaborative settings, awareness is the basis for coordination and interaction. This applies for groupware supporting cooperative work as well as those for collaborative learning. The focus of this paper is synchronous collaboration in small learning groups. We are exploring ways of supporting learners and tutors during collaborative sessions by providing contextual awareness information that makes complex learning processes more transparent and therefore easier to manage for learners and tutors. Furthermore, contextual awareness enables the tutor to shift easily between tasks and contexts. In this paper, we present one example of a collaborative session, role play, and show how awareness information supports both parties involved, learners and tutors.
Improving the User Interface: Ensuring consistency and quality for a vertical market software product
Jesse Zolna (Georgia Institute of Technology)
+ Abstract - Abstract
A software company has acquired products that have retained legacy interaction styles, visual design, and development centers. We used a pattern approach to standardize all UIs, concentrating on visual identity and interaction paradigms. This paper discusses choosing this approach, the specific approach, how it was received, developed and implemented.
Proportionality: a way of managing conflicting user needs for security and privacy in ubiquitous computing
Giovanni Iachello (Georgia Institute Of Technology)
+ Abstract - Abstract
A void exists in the requirements analysis and design of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) with relation to security and privacy. We provide a comprehensive method compatible with existing design techniques to supports the analysis of competing security and privacy requirements and their translation into meaningful design choices for ubiquitous computing applications.
Dynamic Speedometer: Dashboard Redesign to Discourage Drivers from Speeding
Manu Kumar (Stanford University)
+ Abstract - Abstract
We apply HCI design principles to redesign the automobile dashboard to address the problem of speeding. We prototyped and evaluated a new speedometer designed with the explicit intention of changing drivers' speeding behavior. Our user-tests show that displaying the current speed limit as part of the speedometer visualization (i.e. the dynamic speedometer) results in safer driving behavior.
Virtual Rear Projection: Do Shadows Matter?
Jay Summet (Georgia Institute of Technology)
+ Abstract - Abstract
Rear projection of large-scale upright displays is often preferred over front projection because of the lack of shadows that occlude the projected image. However, rear projection is not always a feasible option for space and cost reasons. Our research covers ways to use multiple redundant front projectors to create "virtually" rear projected displays.